by jimmy turrell on Tuesday, 18 December 2012

As I mentioned a couple of days ago I've just completed this weeks New Scientist cover. Basically the idea was to represent a feature about the ‘second brain’ in your intestine/gut without it being all gross with images of guts and brains etc

The feature briefly mentions butterflies in your stomach so I went for a simple approach - I took a few shots a friend of mine and then dropped butterflys over as a representation of communication between the head and the stomach.


by jimmy turrell on Wednesday, 12 December 2012

I'll admit it straight off the bat - I've been a bit flakey on the old blog front over the last few months. I've just been ridiculously busy lately and I've basically taken my eye off the ball a bit when it comes to updating stuff here.

Anyway I'm gonna post up everything I've been up to within the next week including new work for Wallpaper Magazine, work for the V&A and the cover for this weeks New Scientist. I've also just done a big commission for Fiat which unfortunately I've got to wait until the launch to show. Should be it hitting billboards across Europe early next year.

In the meantime heres an illustration of the rapper K'Naan I've just completed for The New York Times
and a piece I've just worked on for Esterson Associates on cyber crime and hacking. Both pretty different stylistically but hopefully a similar spirit runs throughout.

Check back tomorrow for more work and a special Xmas giveaway. Updates every week now - New Years Resolution - promise!